Apparently Deer like Lady Pee

Monday morning came, which meant lounging at McDonald's until the post office opened. We played pine cone baseball and pine cone golf in the parking lot until 9 o'clock rolled around. We acquired our new cell phone holders for our Z-packs backpacks, which will make our life so much better. Plus, we get to support … Continue reading Apparently Deer like Lady Pee

Flip [off] the Snow

Kennedy Meadows is a small mountain town with a population of about 200 people, though year-round population drops down into the twenties range. But Kennedy Meadows is a very big milestone for PCT hikers as it signifies the end of the desert section and the beginning of the Sierras for Northbound hikers. In normal snow … Continue reading Flip [off] the Snow

Trio of Angels

We arrived mid-morning at Hiker Heaven to be warmly greeted by fellow hikers and hiker volunteers. We were immediately given the tour of the amenities available. The Saufley's yard had a smattering of tents set up, with chickens meandering around, scratching for bugs around the tents. Their garage had been converted to a very well … Continue reading Trio of Angels

Our first nights apart

As we left Wrightwood, we summited Mount Baden-Powell on a very beautiful morning. Our recent SOBO hike & new trail friend revitalized our excitement and energy, making the fairly steep 2,800 foot ascent pretty fun. The 9,406 ft peak brought about many emotions among the group: excitement, pride, joy, and awe. The mountain, named after … Continue reading Our first nights apart

Mix in some SOBO

Some important terms to know for long distant trails: NOBO - Northbound (Mexico to Canada) SOBO - Southbound (Canada to Mexico) Yo-yo - Complete the trail one direction, turn around and hike it again the other way (yep, crazy right?) Flip Flop - completing the whole trail, but hopping around to different parts of the … Continue reading Mix in some SOBO